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Green Pest Control: Embracing Integrated Pest Management for Safer Solutions

Why do we humans procrastinate and not do what we know will be good for us in the long run? I don’t actually have an answer to that, but I do have some advice – that you will probably ignore.

Every spring we see cluster flies, lady bugs, wasps and yellow jackets, box elder bugs…all kinds of insects emerge from the walls and attics of homes. Our customers want them gone in a hurry! And who can blame them? Nobody wants to live with pests. And that’s why I’m in this business.

But there are some things you can do NOW, before these pests move indoors, to reduce pest populations next year. Take a walk around your home. Are there gaps around your water spigots? Do your screens fit tightly? What about gaps around and under doors, including the garage door – are they tight fitting? If not, these are pest highways into your home.

Rodents and insects use small gaps to get inside and overwinter until it warms up in the spring. On the first warm days they come out from hiding and suddenly you have a big problem. By screening around your chimney, checking the flashing and soffits, and making sure things are properly caulked, you can chase these critters off your property and make them someone else’s problem.

There is another benefit to sealing things up. You save significant energy. Who doesn’t want lower electric and gas bills? Your home will be more comfortable and you will have fewer pest issues in the future.

Come on…I’m not asking you to exercise or eat right. I’m not suggesting you get more sleep or turn off the TV. Those are serious commitments! I’m asking you for a one-time, one day effort to make your life easier next year. What do you say?
