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My dog has ticks!

It’s summer and the TICKS are out!! They hang out in tall grass and along trails – just waiting for you, your pet or some other animal to wander by. Wearing long pants with the hem tucked in your socks (yes, I know!) and a long-sleeved shirt will go a long way to protect you. And some bug repellent is good too. Make sure to check yourself and your pet as soon as you get back. If you find an attached tick look at YouTube for a video that shows proper removal. Don’t leave the head stuck in your skin! If you are the proactive type, you can get a tool on Amazon that is made for just this purpose.

As for Fido, there are some remarkably good topical medications you can get from your veterinarian to control fleas and ticks if you are in a tick prone area or like to hike or visit woodsy places.

Let’s say you haven’t paid much attention until now, and have them in your house, you probably need a professional treatment to kill them off. Nobody wants to wake up with bloodsuckers in the sheets!

If a tick bites you, watch the site of the bite closely for the characteristic Lyme disease bulls-eye rash that often appears within 1-2 weeks. Other symptoms of Lyme disease include flu-like symptoms, swollen lymph nodes, headache and fatigue. If you have any of these symptoms it is best to see a doctor; the early stages of Lyme disease are commonly treated with a course of antibiotics and patients usually recover rapidly and completely.

Most cases of Lyme disease are discovered in the Northeast. But you should still be aware and be careful.

It’s summer and the TICKS are out!! They hang out in tall grass and along trails – just waiting for you, your pet or some other animal to wander by. Wearing long pants with the hem tucked in your socks (yes, I know!) and a long-sleeved shirt will go a long way to protect you. And some bug repellent is good too. Make sure to check yourself and your pet as soon as you get back. If you find an attached tick look at YouTube for a video that shows proper removal. Don’t leave the head stuck in your skin! If you are the proactive type, you can get a tool on Amazon that is made for just this purpose.

As for Fido, there are some remarkably good topical medications you can get from your veterinarian to control fleas and ticks if you are in a tick prone area or like to hike or visit woodsy places.

Let’s say you haven’t paid much attention until now, and have them in your house, you probably need a professional treatment to kill them off. Nobody wants to wake up with bloodsuckers in the sheets!

If a tick bites you, watch the site of the bite closely for the characteristic Lyme disease bulls-eye rash that often appears within 1-2 weeks. Other symptoms of Lyme disease include flu-like symptoms, swollen lymph nodes, headache and fatigue. If you have any of these symptoms it is best to see a doctor; the early stages of Lyme disease are commonly treated with a course of antibiotics and patients usually recover rapidly and completely.

Most cases of Lyme disease are discovered in the Northeast. But you should still be aware and be careful.


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