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    Ant Identification and Control

    Ants can be particularly challenging to deal with due to the variety of species that might invade your home. With around 25 different species potentially infesting your space, it’s important to understand their behavior and how to manage them effectively. While ants share some common traits, their differences can significantly impact the control methods that work best.

    Understanding Ant Behavior

    Ants are social insects that typically live in colonies composed of workers and a queen. These colonies are often located underground, although some species prefer nesting in trees. Ants are especially attracted to sweets but will seek out protein sources at certain times of the year to meet specific nutritional needs. Identifying ants is relatively straightforward due to their three distinct body regions: head, thorax, and abdomen, along with their antennae.

    Effective Ant Control

    It’s crucial to remember that control methods vary between ant species. The number one rule in ant control is: DON’T USE OVER THE COUNTER SPRAYS ON THEM. Most of these insecticides are repellents that can cause ants to split up and relocate, leading to multiple nests throughout your home. Instead of solving the problem, you might end up exacerbating it.

    If you’re considering a DIY approach, baits are often the best option. While baits may not always resolve the issue, they typically won’t make it worse. For persistent problems, professional pest control services are recommended to ensure comprehensive treatment.

    Common Ant Species in Homes

    Here is an overview of some of the most common ant species you might encounter in your home:

    Pavement Ants

    Description: Pavement ants are named for their habit of nesting in or under the cracks and crevices of pavement. They are particularly active during the spring as colonies look for new nesting territories.

    • Color: Dark brown to black
    • Length: Up to 1/8 inch
    • Diet: These ants are not picky eaters. They consume insects, cheese, meat, fat, grease, bread, seeds, and honey, among other foods.
    • Habitat: Pavement ants live in the crevices and cracks of pavement, sidewalks, or near foundations. They can also nest under boards and wood. Their nests become obvious from their activity and the small mounds of soil they leave behind.
    • Impact: While they do not pose a health risk, they can contaminate food with their bodily waste.

    Acrobat Ants

    Description: Acrobat ants get their name from their ability to acrobatically raise their abdomen over their thorax and head when disturbed. They are generally a slight nuisance compared to other ant species, but they can sometimes bite if their colony is disturbed.

    • Color: Light brown to black
    • Length: Varies depending on species
    • Habitat: These ants are found throughout the United States, even at altitudes of up to 8,000 feet.
    • Impact: Acrobat ants can strip insulation from electrical or telephone wires, potentially causing short circuits and posing a risk to properties.

    Other Common Ants

    Carpenter Ants

    Description: Carpenter ants are large ants known for their wood-destroying habits. They can cause significant structural damage if not controlled.

    • Color: Black, red, or a combination of both
    • Length: Up to 1/2 inch
    • Habitat: Prefer moist, decaying wood but can nest in dry, sound wood as well.
    • Impact: They excavate wood to build their nests, which can compromise the integrity of wooden structures.

    Odorous House Ants

    Description: These ants emit a foul odor when crushed, reminiscent of rotten coconut.

    • Color: Brown to black
    • Length: About 1/8 inch
    • Habitat: They nest in various locations, including wall voids, under floors, and outdoors under rocks.
    • Impact: While not harmful, their presence in large numbers can be a nuisance.

    Tips for Ant Prevention

    1. Keep Food Sealed: Store food in airtight containers and clean up spills immediately.
    2. Maintain Cleanliness: Regularly clean your kitchen and dining areas to remove food residues.
    3. Seal Entry Points: Seal cracks and crevices around your home to prevent ants from entering.
    4. Remove Water Sources: Fix any leaks and avoid leaving standing water that can attract ants.
    5. Use Ant Baits: Place ant baits in areas where ants are commonly seen to help control their population.

    Professional Ant Control

    For persistent or severe ant infestations, it’s best to contact a professional pest control service. At Eco Tech Pest Control, we have the expertise and tools to identify and eliminate ant infestations effectively. Our eco-friendly methods ensure that your home remains safe for your family and pets while providing long-term solutions to keep ants at bay.

    Contact Us

    If you’re dealing with an ant problem or want to prevent one, contact Eco Tech Pest Control today. Our experienced team is ready to provide you with effective and eco-friendly solutions to keep your home ant-free.

    All Season Pest Control Options & Pricing

    Eco Tech Pest Control’s All Season Pest Plan will treat your home immediately for ants, then we will begin the quarterly treatment with the all year guarantee.

    All Season Pest Control Plan

    What is included


    Satisfaction Guarantee
    We guarantee to get rid the included pest.

    What is included

    • Ants
    • Beetles
    • Bees
    • Boxelder Bugs
    • Carpenter Ants
    • Centipedes
    • Cockroach
    • Crickets
    • Earwigs
    • Mice
    • Millipedes
    • Pantry Pests
    • Pill Bugs
    • Silverfish
    • Spiders
    • Springtails
    • Rats
    • Water Bugs
    • Wasps

    Starting at ONLY


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    4 services
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    * If the infestation is extreme, or the square footage of the home provided does not match, price may need to be amended following the inspection.

    One-Time Service

    Our one-time pest control service will get rid of the ants now without a service agreement.

    Includes a 30 day callback guarantee

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